Dear Members:
In accordance with the Constitution of the Professional, Clerical and Technical
Employees Association, “All Regular Elections shall be held in the month of May.”
This year there will be elections for the Offices of:
President 3 Year Term
Executive Board Member (6) 2 Year Term
Nominations will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at The Irish Center at 245
Abbott Rd, Buffalo, NY 14220 at 4:15PM.
Elections will be held on Friday May 3, 2024, also at The Irish Center at 245 Abbott
Rd, Buffalo, NY 14220 from 7:30AM until 4:30PM.
To be eligible for Office, a member must be in good standing in the P.C.T.E.A. for
one (1) year immediately preceding the election. A member must have paid union
dues for one (1) year in the P.C.T.E.A. No retired members can run for Office. When
a leave of absence without pay is granted by the Board of Education pursuant to the
contract, a member shall be ineligible to run for office if dues are not paid during this
time and the leave exceeds two (2) calendar months. Only one such leave shall be
granted within a two (2) year period. Temporary employees shall not be eligible to
run for office but will be allowed to participate on committees.
Any employee, who is a dues-paying member, which will be certified by the
latest check-off roster nearest the May 3, 2024 date, is eligible to vote.
Any person who desires to be a candidate does not have to appear in person
but must have an eligible voter place his/her name in nomination.
All declinations will be accepted, in writing, no later than March 29, 2024
and must be directed to the Election Chairperson, Cindy Turton by email at
[email protected].