It’s that time of year again for the PCTEA Thanksgiving Drive. We are accepting cash donations. This has proven to be very successful over the last few years. Our Officers and Executive Board last year did the shopping with all the funds donated and we were able to provide some of our largest contributions of food ever!
All donations will be divided among the following agencies: City Mission, Friends of the Night People, Hearts Harvest Food Pantry and Compass House.
We will accept donations until Friday, November 10, 2023. Please use the following for online donations via Venmo, you can send payments through their direct website . No transactions will be posted, Tammy Parsons is set up as a private account. For Venmo search for: @TammyLParsons
For CashApp search for: $nolanzmama
For PayPal search for: @nolanzmama
For Zelle search for 716-444-1312
We are also accepting cash donations at the following locations:
Kim Whelan in Room 408 City Hall
Lynn Giles in the Bus Aid Office at the Service Center
Anyone who makes a donation by 11/10/2023 will be entered in a drawing for a $15 Wegmans gift card.
We will do a drawing on Monday November 13, 2023 for the gift cards. All winners will be contacted by email and/or telephone. The drawing needs to be done prior to the scheduled General meeting in the event some may want to donate their gift cards back, as the shopping is done the day of the meeting.