PCTEA is in the process of working out a new Flex Time Agreement with the district for City Hall report times in order to reduce elevator congestion upon our inevitable return to a 5 day schedule. Please check back for details but it is anticipated that it will be structured in a similar manner to past agreements.
Attention City Hall Employees. In order to lessen the impact of elevator congestion, PCTEA has just entered into another voluntary agreement with the district for all employees physically required to report to City Hall for the reopening.
Beginning immediately, each department will again have the ability to seek volunteers to adjust the report time of the days they are scheduled to come in. Times can be selected based on 15 minute increments starting between 7:30 and 8:30 am (7:30, 7:45, 8:00, 8:15 and 8:30). A 7:30 shift may depart at 3:30. A 7:45 shift may depart at 3:45. An 8:30 shift would end at 4:30 and so on.
Again, this is on a voluntary basis. No employee can be ordered to change their contractual schedule.
If an employee volunteers for an alternate time, it will be granted unless there is a compelling reason for it to be denied by the supervisor. If a supervisor determines too many individuals have selected a specific time, spots will be offered based on overall seniority.
In addition to this, employees and supervisors, by mutual agreement of both parties, may agree to reduce the lunch hour to 30 minutes, resulting in an earlier dismissal time by 30 minutes. This option may be offered to no more than 50% of the workforce in each department on any given day and shall be offered on a rotating basis.
This special agreement with the district will continue until one of the signing parties expresses a desire to terminate the agreement. At that point, the agreement will officially be dissolved exactly 10 days later and all employees will return to their contractual schedule at that time.